Android App Development London

Who we are

London App Developers

In 2018, Android phones reached a worldwide market share of 85%, and it doesn’t look like sales will be slowing down any time soon. Fueled’s team members have extensive knowledge of both Android and iOS platforms. Whether you’re looking to build an Android app to match your current iOS one or whether you’re unsure of which platform to develop your idea on first, we can help you find the right fit to give you the ROI your product deserves.

Our Android app developers in London are experienced in building apps that use traditional and emerging technology. We develop apps that dominate the world’s biggest app economy (remember, most of the world operates on Android). Developing applications for enterprise and startup clients, our developers take your idea and create Android apps that meet your business needs and will keep users coming back.


How Much Does App Development Cost?

You have an idea that you’re ready to see come to fruition in the Google Play Store. We know your next concern is how it’s going to affect the bank. There’s no definitive answer to how much it costs to develop an app but there’s a lot to consider when you’re making this kind of investment.

If you’re wanting to get by with just the bare minimum, you’re looking at an investment of around $75,000. But do you want your product to just “get by with the bare minimum"? Probably not. If you’re thinking of building an Android app you’ll be competing against hundreds of other apps. The investment you’re making is not something to be taken lightly and will contribute directly to the longevity of your app.

If you’re looking to build an app that is backed by expert strategy and gleaming design, then you’ve come to the right place. To give you a glimpse into potential costs, at Fueled, a project can run at about $300,000 with an upper limit of $1,000,000. It’s important to consider that yes, you’re investing a lot in this project, but the revenue will far outweigh the cost. In case you don’t believe us, we’ll let the statistics do the talking.

  • The global app revenue in 2018 was $71.3 billion
  • In 2018, Google Play Store’s global revenue was $24.8 billion
  • The top 200 apps have an average daily revenue of $82,000
  • The top 8,000 apps bring in daily revenue of $3,500
  • Apps categorized as “Games” have a daily revenue of $22,250
  • “Entertainment” app see about $3,090 coming in daily

Our Digital Services

Here at Fueled, we’re willing to challenge traditional boundaries by tackling all facets of tech, from newer buzzwords like blockchain and AR/VR to good old fashioned mobile app development.

Our highest priority is to flesh out products that are the result of hard research, robust analytics, and multi-step optimization for your company’s strategy and direction. As a solid team of digital growth consultants, seasoned project managers, and UI/UX experts, we take full advantage of opportunities or openings others might have missed by providing services in:

What Does An Android App Development Team Look Like?

App development teams can consist of various roles and titles. You’re not just investing in your product when you undergo the app development process; you’re investing in a team of specialized experts who want to see your idea turn into a viable product. All project teams are different, but our development teams include:

  • Account managers to be your go-to throughout the process
  • Product managers to research and strategize how your product should work
  • Designers to visualize your concept
  • Developers to, well, develop your app
  • Digital marketers to create buzz about your app

How Does The Android Development Process Work

A Fueled app stands out from the others because it’s innovative, engaging, and intuitive. Working in two-week sprints, Fueled uses an agile process that’s usually a 13-week estimate split into two phases: Pre-Development and Design & Development. The overall app development process starts with your idea. In Pre-Development, our product managers and strategists will conduct research to turn your idea into a product concept. From there, we align your business needs with the concept and its predicted value. We’ll work with you to find the strengths in your concept and identify opportunities for growth. Once your concept is thoroughly vetted, it’s time to get the ball rolling with Design & Development. Our developers and designers work to create deliverables that will piece together into your final product.

When you come to us with your idea or concept, we run with it. Product managers research the current industry market and strategize how we can build a product that fits both the market and your business needs. We won’t just say “yes” to everything you ask; we will challenge your ideas and will always provide our thoughtful criticism. As your business’ concept is formed, we will be communicative about how the proposed feature-set will function and will succeed in such a cut-throat market.

Whether it’s app design or web design, users are more satisfied and stick around when design is fluid and efficient. With attention spans averaging at six seconds, users want to find what they’re looking for with ~ease~ and they want it fast. Working with our Android development team, our designers work on many cycles of UI and UX prototypes to create wireframes that excite you. Once the final prototype is completed, you’ll receive the blueprints of your app and we, well our developers, get to work.

Working under an agile process, we work in two-week sprints to build apps. In these sprints, our team members focus their attention on creating the core of your app, giving you the opportunity to provide feedback along the way with bi-weekly check-ins. Our team of developers turn your idea into a success in the Google Play Store with fluid transitions and comprehensive sleek designs. With remarkable attention to detail, our developers strive to create apps that are remembered, talked about, and keep users coming back. We don’t consider an app complete until we ensure our work has met the standards set in the concept stages.

Once we’ve built your app, it’s time to incorporate your branding; after all, it is your app now. We adapt your logos, color schemes, associated symbolism, and any other significant brand aspects into a mobile-friendly interface. Our team blends user interaction, product functionality, and user experience to make your app exactly what your customers expect from your brand. Pairing our sleek designs with your consistent and identifiable branding is what turns your app from concept to product.

By this point, your app is ready for launch in the Google Play Store. At Fueled, we like to give it a few finishing touches to ensure that it achieves ultimate success in the marketplace. We add final transitions, animations, and look over all final features to give it that special touch and the Fueled polish. Now your app is ready for launch.


QuizUp came to Fueled looking to expand its hit iOS product to Android as well. We wanted to ensure that the Android build met the standards of the existing iOS app, but also that it had its own unique flare. Our team built an app that seamlessly translated between both iOS and Android platforms. Not to mention, the app was #1 in the Google Play Store within hours of launch and Quizup saw over 700% growth in its userbase to 20 million users within a month.



Similar to QuizUp, Afterlight had an existing iOS product but was looking to build an Android app to match its classic iPhone photo editing app. Our team didn’t want to just copy and paste the app to Android; our developers worked to create a sensible UI for Android, but also include new features to elevate the user experience. Afterlight quickly became the #1 paid app on the Google Play Store and was among the top apps in “App of the Year” lists by The Next Web and Mashable in 2014.

Rite Aid

Rite Aid was looking for a partner that could transform their mobile pharmacy experience for both Android and iOS. We simplified the UX to make prescription refill easier. Reworking the backed API and implementing fingerprint recognition, customers could come to Rite Aid as a trusted resource for their pharmaceutical needs. After the launch of the redesigned and modernized user-friendly app, Rite Aid saw a 7% increase ($50 million revenue) in prescription orders.


Collaborate With A London Android App Developer Today

The numbers say it all: London is becoming a powerhouse for all things tech, mobile app development included.

Fueled works to create exciting new products that will contribute to the bright future of London app development. And even if you’re not based in this bustling tech hub, our teams across the world are ready to tackle your project and make the best app imaginable.

If you have any questions about Fueled, London App development, or just fancy a chat, pick up the phone: we’re here to work for you.


Find Us Here

Fueled London

34-37 Liverpool St

London EC2M 7PP