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Article in App of the Week category.
Imprint Let’s You Learn More Visually
There are lots of apps available on the App Store that promise to help you learn new material. I’ve seen a whole mess that do…
There are lots of apps available on the App Store that promise to help you learn new material. I’ve seen a whole mess that do so via flashcards and others that want you to learn in little audio snippets throughout the day. Imprint is different because it promotes learning visually, which can help a whole new swath of users.
The way it works is the app will show you visual diagrams and charts to help you understand more complicated topics. Cryptocurrency, habit building, energy interaction are just a few of the topics that Imprint promotes.
These flow charts and diagrams are incredibly helpful and can help those who have trouble learning just from an audio lecture. Topics are broken into chapters where it also tracks your progress. You can bookmark parts of a topic or share it with a friend. All the visuals can be saved allowing you to come back to them at any point and can be sorted by date or topic.
Once you complete a topic, Imprint wants to make sure you’ve retained the material you’ve finished. There are fill-in-the-blank summaries that highlight the key points and when you tap on the highlighted blank, it will give you a few options to choose from to complete it. The interface is nicely polished using custom UI that feels natural on a touchscreen. There are more robust post-chapter quizzes too.
This well-reviewed app isn’t just full of information, it’s full of unique, colorful, neatly-designed graphics. Each topic has custom artwork that is borderline flat with some slight gradients to provide depth. In some pages, the content slides up, over the graphics and creates a nice blurred bokeh effect similar to how Apple creates the background images behind album artwork in Music.
There’s a lot of time where I listen to audio and podcasts. Planes, while working, or while driving around doing errands. But I also make sure I have time to sit down and read and these visual graphics make it easier and faster. With such a nice interface and a wealth of topics to choose from, Imprint has earned its place on my phone.
But enough about other people's apps.