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Article in App of the Week category.
Winnie is a Parent’s New Best Friend
If you’re a parent yourself or you’ve maybe… met a parent before(?!), you’ve probably noticed — parents have a lot of questions. Winnie can help…

If you’re a parent yourself or you’ve maybe… met a parent before(?!), you’ve probably noticed — parents have a lot of questions. Winnie can help tackle quite a few of them when it comes to venturing outside your home and the active community of fellow parents can assist with many other common queries you may wish to raise.
Thanks to the power of crowdsourcing, Winnie has an ever-expanding database of relevant parenting information. You can easily see where is an appropriate breakfast locale to take your kiddos or which hiking trails nearby are best for families. Droves of other users are able to share their experiences with stars and written reviews. Those reviews will also denote their kid’s age(s) so you can judge whether it makes sense for you.
The app plops you down right into your personalized home feed. You can pick and choose the topics that are most apt to your situation and mute topics that are of no use. Topics can vary from “stay-at-home-dads” to “activities for kids” to “stroller friendly.” That way your feed continues to be hyper-relevant.

One big aspect of Winnie is dealing with childcare. You’re able to find a wide variety of childcare providers in Winnie — of course with loads of reviews. What helps elevate this further than a basic map search is that you can filter these by ones that fit the ages of your kids and get further information on the provider. You can see if they are licensed as well as their active license number. This just further legitimizes the best ones in the app. If you so choose, many providers even allow you to reach out and inquire about dates and availability.
In terms of the app itself and not benefits it offers, it is a very streamlined app that does a great job surfacing information to users. There are lots of photos throughout the app the help make it more visual which is helpful when so much information is presented. I particularly am a fan of the icons in the dock which are your standard line icons until they are selected at which point they transform into a modern flat color scheme.
Much of the app is comprised of layers and cards with slight drop shadows to give some depth to the app and make clear the hierarchal context. This app is packed full of information but as I explore it, I never felt overwhelmed which is pretty key to onboarding new users and retaining existing users.
I’m not a parent yet, but enough of my friends and family are starting that journey for themselves and many of the things I’ve heard them express are explicitly solved with Winnie. New parents, and heck — parents who’ve been doing it for several years, have enough going on. If Winnie can simplify activities and childcare for them, it would certainly be a load off.
But enough about other people's apps.