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This Week in Mobile
Graph, KitKat, Dropbox, In the App Store, Galaxy Gear. What is new in Mobile this week.

Here at Fueled, a design and development company based in New York and London, we are obsessed with everything that happens in mobile, be it rumors of iPhone hardware, mouth-watering Android updates or new apps we love.
Every Friday, we’d like to help you “top up” your weekly knowledge of the mobile industry so you can keep your finger on the pulse.
Galaxy Gear on Top

Samsung announced on Tuesday that 800,000 Galaxy Gear smartwatches have been sold since the smartwatch's debut in September. The Korean firm also admitted that the smartwatch did better than its own expectations and plans to push it harder than anticipated during the holiday season. How you like them apples, David Pogue? Find the story here.
Speaking of smartwatches, here's a good overview of Pebble.
In the App Store

Google introduced trailers in the App Store this week through The Clumsy Ninja. The 'trailer' for the app was featured only on the "editors choice" page, and not on the personal Clumsy Ninja page. Could app trailers be the new norm?
The app itself is an interesting addition to the free app world, as the ninja, which was built by incorporating ragdoll physics, can be trained to learn new tricks and special moves. Find the story here.
Dropbox 3.0

Dropbox rolled out the Dropbox 3.0 update and the new app looks snazzy with the iOS7 design. New features include visual improvements for the iPad, better .pdf viewing and AirDrop support. Find the story here.

Motorola announced this week that the new Android operating system KitKat 4.4 will arrive on the new Moto X smartphone via Verizon, giving the wireless carrier access before any of its competitors. KitKat includes restyled platform and navigation bars, color emoji support, better security and power usage and more tools and capabilities for app development.
The visualization of price differences in this graph is startling. Showing the average selling price of the iPhone and other devices just in the last quarter, we can see the the average price of all iPhones at $635. The average price of all Android devices? Just $268.
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