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Article in App of the Week category.
FIMO: The Best Vintage Camera App
FIMO is a vintage camera app that lets users recreate the vintage camera experience straight from their phone to add that old school flair to…

Growing up, we would rummage through our parents’ knick-knacks. We’d come across pictures that were tainted with light streaks or looked like dust was in the lens. Or maybe you’d find a canister that housed a roll of film. Now that we’re adults, we are so focused on cameras that give us clear and not-so-pixelated pictures; but once in a while, we get nostalgic for the polaroid days. Our App of the Week, FIMO, delivers on “fauxlaroids” and “vintage” photographs without having to invest in an analog camera.
FIMO is a vintage camera app that allows users to add retro filters to their pictures. These filters add scratches, dust, frame shakes, and other old school effects that make it seem like you had to take your film to the local pharmacy to get it developed. FIMO allows users to take pictures in real-time directly in the app or upload pictures they’ve already taken to add the preset filters. With animations that provide an experience as realistic as an app can provide, FIMO does what it can to truly immerse you into the 80s.
FIMO comes with nine free preset films (filters), like Morandi 200 or Joey 100T or EK 80, so there’s sure to be something that suits your fancy. Looking for more effects to add? There are additional films to purchase in the app that will really make your pictures feel like a blast to the past (KDchrome 64, Portra 160NC, etc.).

With a 4.8/5 star rating on the app store, FIMO is the go-to app for vintage photographs. FIMO has 72 upvotes, and counting, on Product Hunt due to its popularity in recreating the vintage experience. The Economic Times has also featured FIMO as the retro app that brings back memories of the past.
Add some ~*vintage*~ flair to your pictures and download FIMO.
But enough about other people's apps.